Working Papers

We encourage the timely dissemination of labor law discussions 

ISSN 3035-1111


Giampiero Proia, Università RomaTre – giampiero.proia@uniroma3.it; Via Pompeo Magno 23, 00192 Roma
Rosario Santucci, Università del Sannio – isant551310@gmail.com; Via G. D’Auria 4, 80129 Napoli


Emilio Balletti, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”; Alessandro Bellavista, Università di Palermo; Enrico Gragnoli, Università di Parma; Fiorella Lunardon, Università di Torino; Alberto Pizzoferrato, Alma Mater Università di Bologna; Giampiero Proia, Università RomaTre; Rosario Santucci, Università del Sannio


Silvio Bologna, Alessandro Boscati, Cinzia De Marco, Loredana Ferluga, Valeria Filì, Laura Foglia, Alessia Gabriele, Alessandro Garilli, Domenico Garofalo, Valerio Maio, Massimiliano Marinelli, Michel Martone, Marco Mocella, Severino Nappi, Marina Nicolosi, Carlo Pisani, Federico Maria Putaturo, Giulio Quadri, Francesco Santoni, Alessandro Riccobono, Anna Trojsi, Anna Zilli


Paolo Bernardo, Rita Daila Costa, Nicoletta De Angelis, Pia De Petris, Gianluca Liguori, Francesca Pacifico, Andrea Sgroi


The WP Fari aim to promptly disseminate studies on labor law research topics.
They therefore host scientific contributions, presented at conferences, seminars, webinars or which in any case are intended to be disseminated even before publication in journals or volumes.


The contribution is sent to one of the directors in Word format, complete in all its parts.
The publication of the paper will take place following a peer review process by the editing committee and, according to the double blind method, by members of the Evaluation Committee or external experts, chosen by the Management Committee
Publications take place without interruption, for each year, on the Fa.Ri. site, once the refereeing has been passed.


The title page and second cover page will be compiled by the Management Committee and will precede the first page of the contribution. The latter will be written by the author and will include his name and surname, title, title of the article, summary, four keywords and abstract (in English, no more than 1,000 characters).
The contribution is accompanied by a final bibliography in which only the works mentioned in the text are listed. It must have a uniform style with indication of authors, year of publication and title of the work; in the case of an article, in addition to the volume and number of the magazine, the number of pages must also be indicated.
Only the surname of the authors is indicated, in small capitals; the name must be indicated in case of homonyms. Abbreviations must be used for journals and the relevant list is attached to the contribution. For volumes, at least the publishing house is indicated.
The length of the work must not exceed 80,000 characters, including notes and bibliography.


Individual authors must comply with legal obligations for the protection of copyright.
The author who publishes the article in a magazine or volume is required to indicate the original publication on the Fa.Ri website.


Impressive – Officina Grafica by Valerio Martini
Solopaca (Benevento)

Working Papers 2024

ISSN 3035-1111

Eufrasia Sena
Transizione digitale, diritti dei lavoratori e “human rights due diligence”
N. 3/2024, 16 settembre 2024

Enrico Gragnoli
Il potere di controllo e le risorse digitali
N. 2/2024, 27 maggio 2024

Rosario Santucci
Le opportunità dei trattamenti differenziati (speciali), purché ragionevoli, nelle discipline dei rapporti di lavoro
N. 1/2024, 6 maggio 2024