Labour Inspections and Administrative Sanctions Rules in Practice

Bologna | Lecture Hall H, Belmeloro building – Via Andreatta, 8 
27 March 2024 | 15:00 – 17:00

15:00 | Welcome address
Alberto Pizzoferrato, Full Professor – Università di Bologna
Daniele Senzani, Director of LLM in Legal Studies – Università di Bologna

15:15 | Keynote speaker:
Enrico Traversa, Former Senior Legal Adviser – European Commission
Labour law and administrative sanctions in the case law of the EU Court of Justice

15:45 | Panel discussion:

Joaquim Pintado Nunes, LABADMIN/OSH Branch Chief – International Labour Organization
Labour inspection and administrative sanctions in the ILO legal framework

Federico Pancaldi, Head of Sector – European Labour Authority
The European Labour Authority and the fight against illegal practices in cross-border work

Giovanna Carosielli, Labour Inspector – Ispettorato d’Area Metropolitana di Bologna
Transnational posting of workers in the EU: information systems and inspection actions on labour mobility

Matteo Turrin, Assistant Professor – Università di Bologna
Labour law infringements and administrative sanctions in recent Italian legislation

16:45 | Closing remarks
Federico Ferri, Senior Assistant Professor – Università di Bologna


27 Mar 2024


15:00 - 17:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 27 Mar 2024
  • Time: 10:00 - 12:00


Belmeloro Building

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Lecture Hall

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